About Me
I am a PhD Candidate in Geography at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I am a cultural geographer, and my primary research areas are geographies of memory and Black geographies, specifically public memory, historic preservation, heritage tourism, and critical place naming. My dissertation research focuses on under-preserved spaces of the US Civil Rights Movement, focusing on historic homes and exhibits that represent homespaces.
I am the Graduate Research Assistant for the Beauford Delaney Papers, recently acquired by the University of Tennessee special collections. Beauford Delaney was a Black American artist from Knoxville, Tennessee who is becoming recognized as one of the preeminent abstract expressionist artists from the United States.
I hold a MS in Historic Preservation from Eastern Michigan University, with a concentration in heritage interpretation and museum practice. I earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Current Projects
Underpreserved and neglected spaces of the African American freedom struggle
Dissertation Research
Policies regarding the commemorative landscape of the Gettysburg National Military Park
Collaborator: Rebecca Sheehan, Oklahoma State University
Relational geographies of Black American artist, Beauford Delaney
Research assistantship through UTK Libraries
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